We all seek the “right tools” to keep going when things feel difficult, uncertain, and unknown.
I spent my first few years in business spending thousands of dollars on courses (that were all amazing) — only to zoom through the theory and never put anything into practice.
So, I get it!
When we feel uncomfortable with what we have to do next — busy work becomes an easy distraction.
As do new, *more exciting* ideas.
Or worse —
Other people’s priorities push your own out of the spotlight
Here’s what a few of my students have shared about their self-management woes:
“I don’t plan my day or my week.”
“I find it difficult to stay on task and end up with heaps of half-done jobs and 20 things open on my screen.”
“I find myself checking emails from suppliers and going down a whole different road for my day.”
“I need to learn how to focus on one task and finish it well, before I try and take over the world.” 👀
Sound familiar?
If we don’t create structure, we create chaos
And while chaos might have you constantly moving, it’s without any clear direction.
And as you know:
Being in motion is not the same as taking deliberate, forward action toward an intended result.
So while it might feel like it’s in your best interest to be searching for the top productivity tool that’s going to magically make you more productive…
From my experience — more tech is not what we need.
What you need is a system that forces you to focus
What you need is to not make the same decision over and over again about what comes next.
To not keep a running to-do list in your head while you test out the hottest new to-do app that “for sure will be the one that sticks…”
Instead, you need a repeatable system for planning, organizing, and executing your best work.
Something to keep you on track.
And if you’re anything like me, you need to make it so in-your-face that even the person on the other end of your Zoom call knows what task you’re supposed to be doing right now.
A different approach to getting things done
If you’ve tried…
- lists of all kinds (physical and digital),
- scheduling your days down to the minute, or
- failed multiple times at implementing “GTD” (or something similar)…
Then maybe you need to try something ALOT more different.
Something tactile, visual… and fun!
(Where you get to use Post-its, sharpies, and actually SEE where you’re making progress.)
If you’re sick of feeling stressed, unfocused and time-poor. And want to stop flip-flopping between tasks and — let’s face it — pussyfooting around your priorities, I want you to know that…
You can become someone who follows through
You can own that new identity — of a successful person, who shows up and finishes things.
You can recognize why you’re procrastinating and kill that inclination.
And you can adopt a better system for helping you get things done. One that doesn’t have a treacherous and draining learning curve.
Or that requires a monthly subscription to keep up to date…
Of course, what works for me, may not work for you — and that’s okay too.
But if I can save you some time in figuring out the best method for manufacturing the results you want, I’d love to have that opportunity.
This is why I wanted to introduce you to a different kind of productivity system.
A tactile to-do list to make you a project management pro!
Introducing Personal Kanban!
Your secret weapon for organizing, planning, and executing your best ideas.
And no, I’m not talking about a digital kanban board in Trello or Asana.
I’m talking about a physical, always-visible map of your jobs to be done.
Not a digital distraction disguised as a to-do app. But a self-management system that keeps you on track and focused on what you want to achieve.
With the built-in ability to turn chaos into calm. And to force you to not only finish things but celebrate your wins.
If you’ve been following me for a while, you may have seen me post photos of my Personal Kanban board.
Here’s a look at one of my more recent ones:

And having used it for 8+ years now, I can say it’s most definitely a system that sticks (🙃)
The same way a new planner won’t help you fix your procrastination woes — neither will trying out yet another to-do app.
But you could try putting your most important tasks RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE.
5 reasons Personal Kanban can catapult your career
#1 – Personal Kanban “puts success in your way”
Which is an aha-worthy idea I swiped from a mentor of mine, Rob Hatch (Author of Attention).
“Putting Success in Your Way” is based on the notion that every decision removed from a day frees up mental and creative energy that can fuel your best work.
And Kanban is the visual prompt that will push you to produce (and come face-to-face with your procrastination tendencies).
#2 – Personal Kanban backs you up on your bad days
The best systems support the worst version of you.
And because Kanban it’s basically a big signboard telling you what you should be working on at any given moment. Those important tasks become incredibly hard to ignore.
Even if you catch yourself putting something off, the fact that you notice that creative avoidance, is an incredible improvement.
It harnesses the power of visualization without the weird woo-woo vibe.
#3 – Personal Kanban forces you to focus on what you’ve ALREADY DECIDED to give your attention and energy to
No re-deciding.
No in-the-moment decisions.
No flip-flopping or pussyfooting around.
You set your intention every day. And you focus on that one thing until it’s done.
It also trains you to break down your tasks so they become more doable.
#4 – Personal Kanban limits digital distractions
With Personal Kanban — instead of a task list hidden away in a to-do app, your to-do list is displayed in front of you, urging you to execute
Every single digital-based system pulls you into a world of distraction. Which you may have noticed — doesn’t make you more effective.
Kanban keeps you on track without having to consult your phone for your next priority.
#5 – Personal Kanban is a keystone habit.
A keystone habit is a behavior or routine that naturally pulls the rest of your life in order.
And as someone who has been practicing with this productivity system for many years now, I can assure you — it has a profound effect on your feelings of satisfaction and fulfillment when it comes to your work and productivity.
Mostly because it promotes clarity, focus, and follow-through. And limits decision fatigue and digital distractions.
A buildable repeatable process to keep you focused
If you need a system to help you follow through with your plans. And easily get you back on track whenever you veer off course…
Personal Kanban might just be for you.
Want to get your own board setup?
Join my free Kanban mini-challenge here.
I’ll show you how Personal Kanban works, how to get set up and the key to success in making this system stick (for life!).
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