Focus your personal and professional growth β€” in less than 10 minutes a week.


What Flourish subscribers are saying…

I just wanted to take a minute to tell you how much I appreciate your newsletter. It’s the only newsletter I receive that is helpful and informative, not 100% selling.

Merry Christmas!


I really liked the quotes from The Art of Learning. I read it a while ago, and just seeing it like this was a good reminder. And that first-principles article is excellent. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ I have been doing too much solving issues from analogy, where solving problems from first principles is how we can truly find new, interesting, innovative solutions.


I wanted to drop you a line and say how much I enjoy your emails. I’ve started weeding out what I want to come into my inbox, I get way too many. But yours are here to stay, I always get so much out of them and they really do make me think. Keep up the great work!



I love your quotes section! I clicked on Man’s Search for Meaning, expecting an Amazon page, and now I’ve learned about! 



I want to thank you for this newsletter, for all the time and thought you put into it. And for having the insight to know what is important. It has helped me see a new perspective. It has made me think and think again.

Best wishes for the new year.


I appreciate your content! I put yours on top of the list of my subscriptions! I think your content has the perfect length, and variety, and you tie it up well in the end πŸ™‚

Thank you!


I’d like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. This email really picks me up!

I am a bit overwhelmed by BFCM planning and execution. 

Following your happy fix advice, I just wrote down things for sure to make me happy. Do two of them, feel a bit better. I am ready for the challenges ahead. Thank you!!

I appreciate your dedication and awesome reminders every week. Thank you!



Just want to say: I am so grateful to have discovered your newsletter this year. Thank you so much for sharing the thoughts, ideas, resources, and questions that you do. I think I send almost every single one to Instapaper so that I can reference it again and again, haha 

The fact that you not only consistently send these out but also consistently make them GOOD and worth taking the time to read as soon as I see it blows my mind. So rare! And you’ve become one of my very tippity-top favorite newsletters <3 


You nailed it again! Either you have tremendous knowledge about us, your readers, or this is some profound coincidence. Since last night, I’ve been thinking about stoicism a lot. Today, I started thinking about reading Marcus Aurelius, and you brought this article up!

Thanks for sharing this awesome newsletter!

Kind regards,

Oscar (from Mexico).

Another great newsletter with a lot of value included. 

I enjoy how you present your newsletter, it’s clean and easy to navigate.

Keep up the good work.


Boy, was I glad to get your email just now.

It was a refreshing boost to a difficult past week.



Love your emails Claire, printing this one out 😊 



Really enjoy your newsletter. I’ve been journaling for the first time this year, and I plan to do a year in review.  



Scotland, U.K.

Your newsletter made me smile after such a tough day. 



Something resonates with me every week πŸ˜ƒπŸ™

Thank you Claire.


I really enjoyed this week’s Flourish (per usual!). I’ve begun writing my energy lists out, and so far I’ve been able to list quite a few things that energize me based on what I did yesterday. So, we’ll see how today goes. 

Hope you and your beautiful fam are well πŸ™‚ 
