Better systems allow you and your business to flourish.

I can help.

Claire Emerson Profile

Hi, I’m Claire.

I help freelancers and founders (across the globe 🌏!) execute their best ideas.

You know follow through is the ultimate key to unlocking better results.

So, my goal is to help you develop useful systems and habits that drive you to execute.

Helping you transform how you manage yourself, your growth, and the projects you love!


Because you don’t have to do it alone, or from scratch…

Time-poor but plagued by procrastination and competing priorities?

Self-employment comes with a heavy burden.

The knowledge that it’s up to you (and only you) to move the needle can be terrifying.

And if you don’t execute the way you want to...

Or things get done —

But not enough things…

Or not the right things…

You end up battling with some pretty nasty side effects;

  • Self-doubt spirals,

  • Crippling procrastination

  • Ever-simmering imposter syndrome

All are designed to poison growth and strangle progress.

Thus making self-management your MOST needed skillset.

It’s easier than you think.

It could be that you’ve made it this far just by working your ass off.

You’ve moved past the “survival mode” stage of self-employment, and you’ve been holding it down ever since.

But if you plan to go further,

  • earn more money

  • create more time

  • have more freedom and flexibility

…you’re going to need a different strategy.

Cultivating, nourishing, and nurturing your self-management systems

To be clear — you are not the ineffectual, unorganized train wreck you might think you are.

But maybe your systems (and perhaps your self-confidence) are letting you down.

Which is where I come in.

I write Flourish—to help people like you—develop exceptional self-management skills.

So you can transform the way you learn, practice, and build toward your goals.

You can be happy with who you are and still want to be better

If you were to perform your own personal upgrade, what would it look like?

How would it feel to reboot and refresh?

The easiest way to invite more flourishing into your life — is to say “yes” to getting good stuff in your inbox from me every week.

Just pop your email in the form below.


How did this become my life?

Once upon a time, I was a Monday-dreading twenty-something going through a quarter-life crisis.

Fed up with the staleness and unfulfilling nature of my corporate finance job—I decided to start an online business.

(I started three businesses actually. Two failed. One triumphed.)

But failures or not, all three required a mind-blowing list of new things to learn and, more importantly—do.

If you’re self-employed, then you know what I’m talking about

The up-skilling required to go from employee—to gainfully self-employed—is no joke.

There is a constant tug-of-war between feeling accomplished and feeling incompetent.

But despite that struggle, after three years of persisting—I felt like I finally “made it.”

By 2018, I was earning on par with my previous corporate job, working fewer hours, and best of all…

I was doing challenging, interesting work that I enjoyed. And it made me happier every day.

I counted this as a success.

Self-management is self-nourishment

Of course, I developed much more than a liveable income in those first few years of self-employment.

Two things that would serve me infinitely longer than my freelance career ever would...

  1. I regained my love for learning and creating (and ditched the crippling perfectionism)

  2. I focused on cultivating, nourishing, and nurturing my self-management systems.

The systems that enable me to:

  • learn new things,

  • apply new skills, and

  • build new habits.

The same systems that can empower you to adapt (and thrive!) in your remote work environment.

I share the best resources on self-management, human flourishing and how to execute your best ideas in my weekly email newsletter Flourish.

You can subscribe by dropping your email below. Talk to you soon!