Solopreneurs often struggle with competing priorities.

Whether you’re freelance, building a side hustle, or ready to scale—new ideas are abundant.

But what’s rarely in abundance is the time to bring them all to life (at least not all at once).

We all wrestle with making space and reserving energy for the work that matters most. And this makes moving toward our goals terribly difficult.

Between the fear of feeling “ready” enough to commit and the struggle of finding the time to finish anything—it’s so easy to delay action rather than execute.

But wouldn’t that be nice…?

To go all in on an idea, see it through to completion, and benefit from the immediate result of focused and intentional output.

There is no doubt—whether it’s business or personal projects—executing an idea from start to finish feels fantastic.

Not to mention the obvious payoff of achieving the result you want.

Maybe it’s…

A website upgrade to appear more professional and showcase your skills. 
A new email strategy that sells your services better. 
A new product to turn clients into customers.

Perhaps it’s time to finally write an outline for that book?

Whatever your want is—imagine it’s six weeks from now, and you’ve just wrapped up on the work to achieve it…

  • What does that result look like?
  • What would it feel like to have finally accomplished it?
  • What did it take to get here?

Now, hold that thought…

because I have something for you that can make it a reality.

Project Shaping powers progress inside The Project Arena 

The Project Shaping process—which we immerse ourselves in every six weeks—is a simple system for creating DOABLE projects.

The premise of shaping is simple:

👎 Unshaped work—leads to uncertainty and doubt.

👍 Shaped work—forces focus and encourages execution.

Project Shaping is the necessary pre-work we do on an idea to ensure it’s worth our time, energy, and attention.

We define the result, draw up the plan, and determine what we do (and don’t) need—to get it done.

It’s your recipe for success.

It’s simple and effective, and we do it every 6 weeks!

👍 Good news: Project Shaping is not a hard or particularly time-consuming process.

👎 Bad news: It’s an easy exercise to put off (even if you do understand its benefits)

This is where The Project Arena comes into play…

We come together to write the recipe for the next result we want, and then we hold each other accountable for achieving it. 

For the following six weeks, we focus on one thing and follow through with our intentions. We deliberately work toward a doable deadline and use the community coworking sessions to schedule in the work.

Here’s a look at what a six-week Project Round looks like:

  • Shaping Week: Work through the shaping exercise to define and design your next project. Use the full week to prep and prioritize.
  • Working Weeks 1-4: DO THE WORK. Allocate time, attend coworking and course correct regularly. 
  • Cool Down Week: Reflect, debrief and decide what to work on next.

Rinse, and repeat.

  • You don’t have to work on the fly so much, 
  • You worry less about all there is to do, and
  • You focus only on what comes next. 

Karen is a member of The Project Arena.

She has found that Project Shaping helps her find laser focus, which makes it easier to make time for the work:

I’m so grateful for your Project Shaping Workshop! I got my project done!

The number one thing that helped me was to focus on what done looks like. Not getting overwhelmed by nice-to-haves, going down rabbit holes, or chasing (nonexistent) perfection.

It also helped to laser focus on just this project. If I thought of the next step (getting this out into the world) it would have stopped me. So thank you!

This is something I’ve had the pieces for and had been on the “to-do” list for months. Your project shaping workshop got me in shape and ready to execute.”

— Karen McKenzie

How we work inside The Project Arena…. 

Our Mantra: Success = showing up and doing the work.

As such, everything about The Project Arena is designed around getting you to DO.

Here’s what success looks like:

  • Join the next live shaping workshop (held every 6-weeks) to define your focus for the next Project Round
  • Attend weekly coworking to lock in time for the work. You can also host your own with other members
  • Schedule additional blocks of time to make space for your project and prioritize your tasks
  • Find a buddy (for additional coworking opportunities) who works in a similar timezone and will help you show up for yourself.
  • Share your work or “build in public” to stay on track and gain additional accountability.
  • Leverage the 1:1 interaction with myself (and other community members) to have us hold you accountable.

You will get emails from me every week with prompts to share your progress and troubleshoot sticking points.

And you have full access to the community whenever you need them. 

Make it easier to make time for the work you want to do

The Project Arena is 12 months of showing up for what (you say) you want.


  • built-in accountability.
  • a sustainable priority-management system, and
  • the support you need to troubleshoot when you get stuck

I know it’s not a matter of IF you have something you want to achieve (of course you do; it’s probably been sitting on your to-do list for months!)…

It’s more likely a matter of whether you think you’re “ready” or not.

And whether the investment (time, money, energy) will be worth it.

So I ask:

What happens if you don’t?

What happens if nothing changes? 

My Experience with (and without!) Using Project Shaping

When I let client work take full precedence over my schedule in 2023, I felt terribly unfulfilled.

I had this fantastic career where I finally got to work from home. The income was good. I felt proud of my skills and ability to deliver great work.

But the creative void was strong. 

I had completely stopped working on personal and business projects and stopped using the shaping process that I loved so much (which had worked so well in the past). 

So, early in 2024, I made a huge shift back into working more on my own projects—which meant diving back into Project Shaping and adding that deliberate space and structure back into my work schedule. 

And when I saw how well it was working (again!) I invited some other creators to use the process and work alongside me. 

It’s been nothing short of a success—and that’s purely from a selfish standpoint. It has made me more accountable, focused, and boosted my ability to follow through. 

The results I’ve created for myself since (alongside client work and life in general) have been exhilarating. Even the launch of The Project Arena directly results from inviting Project Shaping back into my life.

Making the time to do more of what matters most is what success looks like for me. 

So, what could it do for you and your career goals? 

Here’s what to do next

Click on the button below to join today.

It’s a one-time payment of $199 for a 12-month membership.

Note: It is not a subscription, so there is no recurring payment. Of course, you can join again after that initial year. But this purchase is for 12 months only. 

You’ll receive an email from me with all the information you need to get started and another from Circle (the host of our community forum and membership area) to set up or link your account.

The email from me will let you know the next step to take.

If you’re still on the fence, there are some FAQ’s below.


Answers to your most pressing questions:

Q. What if I don’t have much time for personal and business projects? 

How I see it: Some is better than none! 

I don’t have much time outside client work and family life. This means, without the project shaping system, my best ideas and goals go unmet. This was the case in 2023 when I simply stopped shaping projects. 

What a mistake!

The previous two years, when I implemented the system and used the time I had to work on well-formed ideas that were worth my time and energy, were infinitely more fulfilling and, of course, helped me move the needle in my business. 

I don’t want to be a freelancer forever. So my goal is to build more passive income and digital products that allow me to slowly shift my time from mostly client work to more creative work. 

Project shaping is the ONLY thing I have found that allows for this transition. 

The shift doesn’t happen if I don’t take it step by step, which is often where we fall flat. We try to go too big, too soon, or our end goal feels so far away that we can’t possibly make it happen. 

Shaping allows for minor (sometimes major) progress in smaller timeframes and breaks down those big, lofty goals into doable action steps. 

Q. Will I be able to start my project right away?  

As soon as you sign up, you’ll get a prompt to sign up for the next LIVE Project Shaping Workshop. Registering for the next workshop is the first step. Especially if you want to join the Group Project Round, where we all use the same start and finish dates and work together toward a deadline.

But there is also an option to go at your own pace.

You can start right away by:

  • Reading the PDF companion guide
  • Watching the recorded workshop
  • Using one of the ready-to-go templates to shape your next project

Then, all you need to do is start.

Of course, that’s where we can run into trouble. So, joining the live Project Rounds will offer the best chance for success if you do better with extra accountability.

Either way, you can join the weekly coworking and ask me or other members about additional accountability.

Q. What makes The Project Arena different from the other memberships ? 

This group’s main advantage is accountability. 

It’s not about learning, networking, or sharing advice (though that tends to happen anyway)—it’s about doing. And it’s my job to make you DO what you say you’re gonna do.

The community is set up to be simple and effective. 

  • We shape new projects. 
  • We show up to work on them. 
  • We reflect and start again every 6 weeks. 

We have a narrow view of “what success looks like” around here 😊  

Success = Doing the work. 

A one-year commitment can catapult your career if you show up for yourself.

Q. What happens at the end of 12 months? 

Your purchase today gets you access for one full year only. This is not a subscription. You don’t have to worry about a recurring charge. 

Payment today is for 12 months, which is 8 project rounds (with time off in January). If you get addicted to the progress and comraderie (which you totally will), you can purchase another year at the regular price of $199.

If you bring a Friend, they can join for $99. Email me for a code.